When to Choose a Personal Loan to Consolidate Debt
When to Choose a Personal Loan to Consolidate Debt Paying off debt, especially from credit cards, can be extremely stressful. If you have balances on several credit cards, it may feel like you’re constantly making payments. One option is to use a personal loan to consolidate your credit card debt, which can simplify your payments […]
Common Refinance Mistakes Not to Make
Attempting to Refinance When You Have a Low Credit Score Before you make any important decisions like refinancing your mortgage loan, the first thing that you need to do is obtain your credit reports and then you must check your credit scores. The reason is because your scores may be too low for you to […]
Home Refinance: Your Complete Guide
A mortgage refinance allows you to replace your current home loan with a new mortgage. Refinancing a loan is a power move that can help a motivated homeowner save a lot of money. It’s a big decision, and you’ll want to give it plenty of thought before you move forward. Why You Might Choose a […]
8 Different Types of Loans You Should Know
8 Different Types of Loans You Should Know Most people take out at least one loan in their lifetime. Unexpected medical bills, home repairs, and other expenses can take a toll on your bank account, and you may need to borrow money to make ends meet. When paid off quickly, loans can be a helpful […]
Budgeting 101: Guide to Building a Budget
Guide to Building a Budget At first, glance, managing your finances well seems rather simple. You have a list of fixed expenses to cover each month as well as regular take-home income. However, you and I both know that preparing a budget and living on that budget is easier said than done. Regardless of your […]
How Much Debt Does the Average American have by Age
How Much Debt Does the Average American have by Age You and I know how much debt can limit our lives. The good news is that there are more options for all age groups to get out of debt today. In a recent survey, nearly 75% of people said that they were more frugal in […]
Best Way to Increase Your FICO Fast
Best Way to Increase Your FICO Fast Whether you want to get a mortgage or simply need a lower interest rate on a credit card, your credit score is an important part of your financial health. This three-digit number shows companies whether you can handle debt responsibly. If your FICO score is too low, you […]
Tax Preparation for Newbies
Tax Preparation for Newbies In high school, you and I learned that neatness made a difference when we submitted our work. Teachers have a reputation as sticklers, but they cannot match the IRS for insistence on appearances. A messy Form 1040, 1040-A or 1040-EZ does not get the reception that we want from a professional […]
How to Stay Debt-Free with a Low Income
How to Stay Debt-Free with a Low Income There’s no question about it: Staying out of debt is easier when you make a lot of money. Of course, not all of us are able to bring in the big bucks, so to speak. Does that mean that you are doomed to a life of debt […]
Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery with Bad Credit
Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery with Bad Credit Getting the body of your dreams can be an expensive process. Whether you need one procedure or a few to achieve the look you desire, chances are good that you’re looking at a pretty large sum of money. Unfortunately, unless your procedure is deemed medically necessary, the burden […]