What You Need To Know FHA Loan

What You Need To Know FHA Loan You and I both know that people who have money seem to get all the breaks when the need to apply for a mortgage occurs. Your outlook improves with the chance to get a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan with a smaller down payment and a lower credit […]

Single Mom and Saving Money

Saving money can be difficult for most people. Real wages have stagnated since the 1970s, and they have barely budged up since then when accounting for inflation. Single-parent households tend to have lower incomes and financial stability than two-parent households. With the gender pay gap, statistics would indicate that single mothers will have more trouble […]

How Do Federal Reserve Rate Changes Affect Me?

Every quarter, the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Markets Committee meets to determine if the federal funds rate should be adjusted, and emergency sessions are called as needed between quarterly meetings during economic crises. A Fed rate cut is generally viewed positively, and this is most easily visible in the form of a boost in the […]

Guide to Buying a Car with Bad Credit

Guide to Buying a Car with Bad Credit You and I both know how stressful and inconvenient it can be to get around town without your own car. In an ideal situation, you would have full access to your current vehicle until you are financially prepared to make an upgrade. However, you may be in […]

How to Borrow Smart for Plastic Surgery

How to Borrow Smart for Plastic Surgery Cosmetic surgical procedures may help you to improve problem areas that are currently causing you grief and eroding your level of self-confidence. Some cosmetic surgical procedures, such as breast implant removals and breast reduction surgeries, may be necessary for health and well-being. Regardless of the type of cosmetic […]

Should I Refinance to Pay for Home Improvements?

Should I Refinance to Pay for Home Improvements? Making home improvements periodically is essential for maintaining its appeal, condition and functionality over the years. You may already make minor updates throughout the year, but a time will come when a major renovation is essential. Depending on the scope of your project, you may easily be […]

Complete Guide To A Cash Out Refinance

From time to time, money is tight for most people. You may need money to help a child pay for college. If a family member develops a chronic illness, you may need money to pay for medications or treatments that insurance may not cover. Alternately, you may want to make home improvements that you cannot […]

Personal Loan with Bad Credit – Proceed with Caution

Personal Loan with Bad Credit – Proceed with Caution You and I both know how challenging it can be to manage your finances on a tight budget. Most people deal with various types of unexpected expenses on a fairly regular basis. In fact, it may seem like these unplanned expenses hit you almost every month, […]

Your Credit Limit Decreased. Now What?

Have you recently been hit with a reduction in your credit limit? If you are like others who have had this unpleasant, stressful experience, you may have been shocked to receive such news. You understandably have many questions that require an immediate answer. Why has this happened? How does it affect my finances? What can […]

What Is A Credit Limit?

When you spend with a credit card, you may not think much about your credit card limit. Some people have multiple cards with varying limits. It is important to understand what a credit limit is, how it is determined, how it can be changed and why you should avoid going over it. Also, it is […]